Antwort Is it OK to have 2 last names? Weitere Antworten – Why do some people have two last names

Is it OK to have 2 last names?
In Spain and Spanish American countries, except Argentina, each person has two surnames. Traditionally, the first surname is paternal and comes from the father, while the second surname is maternal and comes from the mother.It's impossible to legally register a single person with different last names – think how impossible that would make social security, insurance, etc.. Just give him both names (either hyphenated or not) and let him use whichever one he chooses.While many parents in the United States do give their baby a middle name, it's not a requirement. Some BabyCenter parents have said no to a middle name based on family naming traditions. "I have a double first name and no middle, and my daughter will have the same," says one mom.

Can you have 2 first names : You can informally go by two first names. But, as a practical matter, in that one name must go before the other—you can only legally have one first name.

What are the disadvantages of having two last names

Cons of hyphenating

  • You'll have a long name.
  • Your last name may be too long.
  • It'll probably confuse some people.
  • It won't make your name change after marriage any easier.
  • Your spouse will have a different name unless they choose to change theirs too.
  • People may simply ignore one of your last names.

What are the benefits of two last names : Professional identity: Hyphenation would be a practical way to keep your name recognition. Easier ancestry: Genealogists will appreciate that your lineage is still traceable. Preventing the extinction of a name: If you have children together, your surname will carry on for at least another generation.

Poll: Double-Barrelled Hyphenated Surnames

  • Catherine Zeta-Jones.
  • Olivia Newton-John.
  • Daniel Day-Lewis.
  • Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
  • Julia Louis-Dreyfus.
  • Sophie Ellis-Bextor.
  • Beyoncé Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter. See more▼See less▲
  • Rosie Huntington-Whiteley.

You could give your child both parents' last names, linked with a hyphen or not. This is the best of both worlds, say some parents. "As a same-sex couple, we wanted our daughter to have both our names, so her last name is hyphenated," says one BabyCenter mom. "It shows the rest of the world that we're all connected."

Is your 2nd name your last name

Someone's second name is their family name, or the name that comes after their first name and before their family name.Double boy names, or double-barrel boy names, might be popular in Southern traditions, but I think they can be used anywhere to give your baby boy a cute or unique boy name. So, get ready to be inspired by my ultimate list of baby boy double names and find just the right double name combination for your sweet boy.Yes, it's legal. ALBUS PERCEVAL WULFRIC BRIAN DUMBLEDORE is a perfect example of a fully legal, but pretentious name. Yes, it's possible to have four names in your full name. Many people have a first name, middle name or names, a surname, and sometimes an additional surname or second middle name.

Professional identity: Hyphenation would be a practical way to keep your name recognition. Easier ancestry: Genealogists will appreciate that your lineage is still traceable. Preventing the extinction of a name: If you have children together, your surname will carry on for at least another generation.

Who uses two last names : Hyphenated Names

By the way, Hispanics are not the only culture that uses two surnames, there are other cultures that use a similar scheme. There are even other cultures that have other combinations of surnames. So, to avoid confusion, a lot of Hispanics hyphenate their surnames, as I do with mine Pérez- Quiñones.

What is the 2 most popular last name : 50 most common last names in America

  • Smith – 2,442,977.
  • Johnson – 1,932,812.
  • Williams – 1,625,252.
  • Brown – 1,437,026.
  • Jones – 1,425,470.
  • Garcia – 1,166,120.
  • Miller – 1,161,437.
  • Davis – 1,116,357.

What are the possible disadvantages of using two family names

Hyphenated Names: Top Con's

  • You're Legally Bound To Use Both. Whether you're signing a check or introducing yourself at a cocktail party, choosing a hyphenated last name legally binds you to use it at all times.
  • They're a Mouthful.
  • Kid Complications.

In most states, you have the option to take your spouse's last name, hyphenate your last name, use two last names without a hyphen, or move your maiden name to your middle name and take your spouse's last name. We think it's important that you know all of the name change options before your big day.In informal situations typically only the first one is used, although both are needed for legal purposes. A child's first surname will usually be their father's first surname, while the child's second surname will usually be their mother's first surname.

Can my son have two last names : Give your baby two last names (hyphenated or not)

Pros: Some families decide to give their child both parents' last names, separated by a hyphen. If you're allergic to hyphens but still want to use both names, you can skip the hyphen.