According to MyHeritage's blog, “endangered” last names with fewer than 20 contemporary “bearers” include:
Villin (Villan)
Powerful Last Names In US
Kennedy – A famous political family in the United States.
Rockefeller – Known for their wealth in oil and their philanthropy.
Windsor – The last name of the British royal family.
Rothschild – A family known for their historical banking and financial influence.
Smith Most Common US Surnames By Rank
Surname Origin
English, Scottish
English, Welsh
English, Scottish, Irish
Is everyone with the same last name related somehow : The more common or generic the surname – think occupations, common objects, physical characteristics, and so on – the less likely it is that the people who share it are related. Such names may have been given to people in the past without them sharing blood lines.
What is the #1 last name
According to an analysis by, the three most common surnames overall in the U.S. are Smith, Johnson and Williams. Smith is the most popular among white Americans while Williams comes in at number one for African Americans.
What are rare German last names : Some uncommon German last names include:
Bierhals (meaning beer-throat)
Durchdenwald (meaning through the trees or forest)
Handschuh (meaning a glove)
Nachtnebel (meaning foggy night)
Trinkenschuh (meaning drink-shoe)
Here are 100 of the Rarest Last Names in the U.S. as of the 2010 Census
In Germany, there are about 850,000 different family names. The most common German surname, Müller (miller), is shared by around 700,000 people. This is followed in popularity by the name Schmidt (along with variants such as Schmitt or Schmitz, this comes from the blacksmith's trade), with Meier coming in third place.
What is the 1st common last name
America's most common surname by a mile is Smith — 2.5 million Americans have it, ahead of 2 million with the surname Johnson.As German immigrants moved into English-speaking countries, their surnames were impacted in a variety of ways. Most of the time the surname spelling changed to accommodate the different phonetic spelling in the English language. In other words, the recorder tried to write the name the way he heard it.As others have noted, it's quite possible to share a common surname without being related. But it's also possible, in some circumstances, to share an unusual surname without being related. For example, the only Malms in the U.S. that my husband is related to are descendants of his grandfather. Why Lots of unique surnames or unique variations of more common names. There were 11 last names reported by more than one million individuals: Smith, Johnson, Williams, Brown, Jones, Garcia, Miller, Davis, Rodriguez, Martinez, and Hernandez. Nearly 16 million Americans have one of these 11 last names.
What is a goofy German name : Bierhals (meaning beer-neck), Trinkenschuh (drink-shoe), Eierkuchen (egg cake) and Kitzler (tickler) are some of the funniest German names that have appeared on birth certificates.
What is the prettiest German girl name : Pretty and Beautiful German Girl Names
Adele. This pretty girls' name of German origin is a form of Adela, plus any name containing the German element adal, meaning “noble.”
What is the richest last name
The Walton Family is the richest family in the world. It owes its wealth to the Walmart company started by brothers Sam & Bud Walton in Northwest Arkansas more than six decades ago. List of the most common surnames in Germany
Müller, occupation (miller)
Schmidt, occupation (smith)
Schneider, occupation (tailor)
Fischer, occupation (fisherman)
Weber, occupation (weaver)
Meyer, occupation (originally a manorial landlord, later a self-employed farmer)
Wagner, occupation (wainwright)
And foretold about in the Jewish faith. So Christ in this case functions more like a title as in Jesus The Anointed One or Jesus the Messiah rather than his last name.
What are the rarest German last names : Some uncommon German last names include:
Bierhals (meaning beer-throat)
Durchdenwald (meaning through the trees or forest)
Antwort Why do I have a rare last name? Weitere Antworten – What are the rarest last names
According to MyHeritage's blog, “endangered” last names with fewer than 20 contemporary “bearers” include:
Powerful Last Names In US
Most Common US Surnames By Rank
Is everyone with the same last name related somehow : The more common or generic the surname – think occupations, common objects, physical characteristics, and so on – the less likely it is that the people who share it are related. Such names may have been given to people in the past without them sharing blood lines.
What is the #1 last name
According to an analysis by, the three most common surnames overall in the U.S. are Smith, Johnson and Williams. Smith is the most popular among white Americans while Williams comes in at number one for African Americans.
What are rare German last names : Some uncommon German last names include:
Here are 100 of the Rarest Last Names in the U.S. as of the 2010 Census
In Germany, there are about 850,000 different family names. The most common German surname, Müller (miller), is shared by around 700,000 people. This is followed in popularity by the name Schmidt (along with variants such as Schmitt or Schmitz, this comes from the blacksmith's trade), with Meier coming in third place.
What is the 1st common last name
America's most common surname by a mile is Smith — 2.5 million Americans have it, ahead of 2 million with the surname Johnson.As German immigrants moved into English-speaking countries, their surnames were impacted in a variety of ways. Most of the time the surname spelling changed to accommodate the different phonetic spelling in the English language. In other words, the recorder tried to write the name the way he heard it.As others have noted, it's quite possible to share a common surname without being related. But it's also possible, in some circumstances, to share an unusual surname without being related. For example, the only Malms in the U.S. that my husband is related to are descendants of his grandfather.

Why Lots of unique surnames or unique variations of more common names. There were 11 last names reported by more than one million individuals: Smith, Johnson, Williams, Brown, Jones, Garcia, Miller, Davis, Rodriguez, Martinez, and Hernandez. Nearly 16 million Americans have one of these 11 last names.
What is a goofy German name : Bierhals (meaning beer-neck), Trinkenschuh (drink-shoe), Eierkuchen (egg cake) and Kitzler (tickler) are some of the funniest German names that have appeared on birth certificates.
What is the prettiest German girl name : Pretty and Beautiful German Girl Names
What is the richest last name
The Walton Family is the richest family in the world. It owes its wealth to the Walmart company started by brothers Sam & Bud Walton in Northwest Arkansas more than six decades ago.

List of the most common surnames in Germany
And foretold about in the Jewish faith. So Christ in this case functions more like a title as in Jesus The Anointed One or Jesus the Messiah rather than his last name.
What are the rarest German last names : Some uncommon German last names include: